
Written by@fermaddev
I build stuff with computers and on my spare time I'm a Software Engineer.


🐺 TypeScript Generics explained with pets

What is a generic type? Generic types in TypeScript give the developer more flexibility to create reusable components that can work over a different variety of types rather than a single one . Thi…

🐕 Handling Union Types with Type Guards in TypeScript

This is going to be a quick post that hopefully will safe you some time and headaches. One thing that I struggled when I started to use TypeScript was dealing with Union types. Unions can be very hel…

🐶 TypeScript Utilities explained with dogs

TypeScript provides a set of utilities which you can use to create a which is based on type, this type will be transform in some way. Each utility provides a unique way of transforming a type. …

💅 Styled Components Mixins

Before the usage of in web development, chances are that you used some kind of preprocessor like Sass to write the css of your application. On of the things that Sass is really good, is automating …

🍄 TypeScript Basics

I wanted to learn TypeScript during 2019 and failed due to a lack of commitment. That’s why I’m starting 2020 with an actual plan on learning it and even better, implement it on my daily job so I can…

⛓️ ES2020: Optional chaining

If you like clean, readable, simple code, probably you are tired of doing of writing lines of code like this one: What if you could express the same behavior like this: Welcome optional chaining to E…

🧬 Iterators and Iterables in JavaScript

After a couple of weeks of diving deep into , I realized about all the other surrounding topics that needed to be refreshed/learned in order to get a really good grasp of them. That why I decided to…

❌ Error Boundaries in React

Among all of the new and great features that React has introduced since version 16, the concept of error boundaries could improve both our developer and user experience when handling errors of our Re…

🐙 Git: Understanding the job parts

There are a lot of resources that cover the basics of , how to create and clone repositories, how to commit, push, etc. But I think there are not a lot of resources that mention specific scenarios t…

🧨 ES2019 features you can use now

Since we are already a little over the second half of the year, I thought it was a good time to do a quick recap of some of the new features that * * ECMAscript * * brought us for 2019. All of the …